Reflection, Planning & New Commitments: Review and Renew

#commitment #reflection #release #managers #leaders #leadershipdevelopment #selfdevelopment Jan 10, 2025

So many of us use the new calendar year as a time to make resolutions, goals, and plans. 

I love the closing of one year and entry into the next because it provides a great time to reflect. Consider what you planned and succeeded at? What didn't go as planned and what did you learn?  I call this a chance to review and renew.

The harder question: what do you want to keep vs. release?

It was back in 2019 that I first heard "release what no longer serves you."  For me, it was a new concept and one I struggled with for a long time. The meaning of what serves you felt elusive. I couldn't quite pin down more than the essence of that idea. With more exposure and examination it began to make sense to me, but frankly I still struggle answering what no longer serves me. So, spending dedicated time pondering this really helps me as I renew commitments and set new ones.

Boss Leaders should take this Review and Renew approach more frequently. You'll likely have monthly and quarterly goals. So build in time on your calendar to consider:

What did I aim to do?

How did I do with that?

What have I learned?

What do I need to change?

Will I keep this goal? Modify it?

What no longer serves me in this goal?

What no longer serves me as a leader?

You can watch more about setting goals and commitments in this video.

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