True Stories: How Aware Are You as a Leader?
Jan 09, 2025Most Tuesdays on Instagram/BossattheHelm, I post a True Story Tuesday reel. It's a short story about something that has happened to me or someone I know, usually about work, but not always.
Some are straightforward and decent recollections, a bit of inspiration.
And many are along the lines of,
say what Now?!,
eye popping,
jaw dropping,
head shaking stories.
Many of them are of the I-can-not-believe-that variety, the bad boss variety.
Why do I share these stories? Sometimes it's just funny. Often, it's relatable; so many of you have such crazy things happen to you. And still, you overcome and move beyond them.
And, I share them because I want to create awareness. I think many of our leadership problems are ones of omission rather than overt, deliberate bad leadership.
See, we all come from different backgrounds. We have different levels of experience. We've had different role models. So, we don't always recognize that we are perpetrating bad boss behaviors. We don't always know what good leadership, Boss Leadership, looks and feels like.
The simplest thing that we can do then is to become aware. Start with yourself and notice. Notice the behavior and mindset around you, notice your own actions and words.
Only then can you take steps, should you choose, to amend and evolve.
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